Schedule at a glance
Most classes are not prescheduled but are scheduled by demand and added to schedule. So if you are looking for a particular class and don't see it on the schedule email us and let us know and we'll add it to the schedule.
Iowa Permit to Carry class coming middle to end of February. Email us asap if interested,
MINNESOTA Law changes. Here is a link to some changes to MN laws that can affect gun owners and MN permit holders. Nothing very drastic for us non-residents but good to keep up on changes.
Never a bad idea to put renewal dates on some kind of electronic calendar that can prompt you when things come due. 5 years on most permits is a long time to remember renewals. Minnesota renewals are coming due for many of you. Take a look.
Adding a lot of private training to the calendar. I will do private training for most of my courses but the cost for most of them will switch to a per hour basis if student minimums aren't met. I can also take most classes to you if there are reasonable facilities to hold the class and travel costs are covered.
As of July 1, 2021 Iowa is a constitutional carry state. This means so long as you aren't a prohibited person (felon) you can carry a loaded gun on your person in public without a permit in Iowa. I suspect most prudent people will still get a permit to carry for a variety of reasons; so purchasing a gun is easier, gain the multitude of other states you can carry in with an Iowa permit. Then there is the Federal School Zone Gun Safety Act of 1990 that makes it illegal to be within 1000ft of a school with a loaded gun without a permit in your state. In 1995 there was a case that the Supreme court looked at and the courts decided the School Gun Zone Act is unconstitutional but the law is still on the books.
I've never believed that training should be required but always hoped the prudent person would seek it as there are many things to learn that may save your freedom or your life in a good class. A good class is the key. A couple hour online handgun safety class isn't going to help you much.
Gun Maintenance
FIERCE Training does provide firearms maintenance services. This includeds deep cleaning, sight changes, some gun smithing services. Contact us with model of firearm and what service you need and we can let you know if we can help you.
Fierce Training Beliefs
FIERCE TRAINING absolutely does not condone the use of firearms, or any weapon for that matter, in the action of being reckless, committing any crime, and putting the welfare of law abiding citizens in jeopardy. We stress extreme safety in the handling of any weapon at any time, no matter what level of experience you have. You are responsible for your actions when handling any weapon while watching or using any products or services from our website. Remember that all firearms behave differently and that it is YOUR responsibility to know exactly how to operate your firearm safely. If you are not sure, please contact FIERCE Training, your local firearms retailer or law enforcement agency to get the help needed. Remember: SAFETY FIRST.